

- Saturday October 8th

9:30h - Opening to the public

10.00h to 14h00 -  Atelier “Assemble your own pocket knife”

16.00h to 20h00 -  Atelier “Assemble your own pocket knife”

16.00h - Session "Knife Collection and Possession" by PSP

17.30h - Knife Sharpening and Maintenance Demosntracion

20.00h - Closing

- Sunday October 9th

9.30h - Opening to the public

10.00h às 14.00h - Atelier “Assemble your own pocket knife”

11.30h - Knife Sharpening and Maintenance Demosntracion

16.00h às 18.00h - Atelier “Assemble your own pocket knife”

15.00h - Cutting Tests

17.00h - Raffle of Cutlery pieces to the visitors

18.00h - Event Closing